adhik maatra men aana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. Figaro and dazzling natural (that of Rossini), it will quickly hide the erosion of acute by the flood constantly renewed an inexhaustible verve 2. First it was large drops speckling the ground under a large downpour, then, without transition, a flood ( 3. Historically, in archaic agrarian civilizations, the development works (irrigation, drainage) appear very early, often flood plains, fertile places by excellence 4. However, despite the flood of verbal sympathy which she was so overwhelmed, Finland was virtually reduced to its own merits 5. However, the entire estuary windings introduce asymmetry between the path of the flood and ebb or specialization of a flow channel, sometimes discontinuous, and an ebb channel which is the principal